Comprehensive skincare for patients aged 18 and below.
Taking care of young skin is crucial to help ensure a lifetime of healthy skin. As the largest organ of the body, the skin is affected by a vast array of bodily functions, and visually exhibits the state of health of the body.
While young skin is incredibly resilient, it is still susceptible to many of the same perils that other bodily organ tissues are vulnerable to, including pitting, scarring, inflammation, discoloration, dehydration, and much more. To help avoid lifelong effects, swift diagnosis and treatment are necessary.
Diagnosing and treating pediatric skin conditions is central to our mission at Signature Dermatology and Aesthetics. That is why we offer comprehensive pediatric dermatology care that covers skin, hair, and nails.
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Diagnosis of Pediatric Skin Conditions
A wide variety of skin conditions can benefit from our pediatric dermatology services at Signature Dermatology and Aesthetics. These include:
As you can see, there are countless reasons why you may need to bring your baby, youngster, or teen in to see one of our professional clinicians.
The key to ensuring expedient and accurate diagnosis and treatment of pediatric skin conditions is to make sure that your child is seen by a professional as soon as possible after symptoms appear.
If you have any doubt regarding whether your child’s condition warrants a visit, just give us a call and one of our friendly and experienced team members will be happy to advise you.
Treatment For Pediatric Dermatology Skin Conditions
After your youngster’s skin condition has been diagnosed, your doctor will provide treatment options to you.
You and your dermatologist will work closely together to ensure that you fully understand the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care.
As a loving parent or caregiver, your assistance will be integral to the recovery of your child’s skin condition. As such, you will always be fully”in the loop”when it comes to dermatologic care for your infant or adolescent.
Our dermatologists are happy to answer your questions and get you in as soon as possible to have your child’s skin, hair, or nail condition diagnosed and treated.